Congratulations, you found the good stuff! We have dozens of HIIT, Spin & TRX video edits of Foghorn Fitness Classes. All are totally unique and totally appropriate for all audiences (meaning modifications can be made for beginners and elite athletes alike). The videos are $10 each, payable via Venmo. The process works like this: (1) Scroll through the video thumbnails and descriptions below and pick a class you like; (2) Click on the buy ("Gimme") button so that you can send me $10 on Venmo; (3) click on the thumbnail for the Google Drive link to the video file; and (4) do work! I will be adding more videos every week. Feel free to ping me with any questions.
HIIT #1. The original, the very first early pandemic Backyard HIIT Class. Bodyweight-only, but a jump rope would be nice. Great place to start!
Spin Class #1. Ready to tackle "Suffer Mountain"? Great place to start on your Foghorn Fitness Spin Class journey.
TRX #1. The very first Backyard TRX Class. If I were you, I'd start right here.
HIIT #2. Things are getting serious now. Well, not really, but this class builds on HIIT#1, so consider doing them in order.